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the unveiling

Refuge in a Cemetery


"Our position, where we live and where we work, where we come from and where we are going, is important in understanding ourselves as human subjects. How people define their own spaces and experience them is important in constructing identities" (Jane Rendell).



Refuge in a Cemetery

Through the project, the discovery of need for discovery for the in-between, the placeless, downtrodden and less fortunate has been the aim of this project. Giving a sense of belonging to those who believe they don’t have it. In this case study, we understand that in culture lies the key to belonging and not the environment one is conditioned to.In Heritage lies the sense of history, life story and linage. The Refuge. A place of safety, recreation, worship and history.
And aspiration for the bettering….


The Refuge – The funerary complex of Sultan al-Ashraf Qaytbay



The Mosque,Mausoleum,Cultural Centre and Gallery

The Above ,below & In-between– plan layout



 The Mosque, Mausoleum, Cultural Centre and Gallery



- The passage, the in-between ,the threshold of exchange

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